TARMAK Ref. 8796399 4825585

Ceinture lombaire de maintien adulte - Ceinture Lombaire R500 Noire

26 000 CFA
Non disponible en ligne

Disponibilité en magasin

Ceinture lombaire de maintien 500 adaptée pour la reprise du sport après lombalgie, lumbago ou mal de dos d'intensité moyenne.




  • Picture showing Dope dyed

    Dope dyed

    Product made from 65% dope dyed yarn

    Using this mass-dyeing process enables us to reduce CO2 emissions linked to the production of dyed textiles by at least 17% compared to conventional dyeing.

  • Picture showing Designed to reduce environmental impact
    Environmental Impact

    Designed to reduce environmental impact

    Product made with a CO2eq reduction of 17% compared to the previous or similar product

    Our design teams are working to develop processes that will reduce the impact of a product, while preserving its technical characteristics. This reduction relates to the following indicators: climate change, air pollution, water pollution and resource depletion.
